Want an easy way to style your short hair or protective hairstyle with a headwrap? This style is simple, elegant, and versatile. The three knot turban mostly requires a large rectangular headwrap, and you can create it in just a few easy steps! Follow this guide to achieve the perfect look.
Step-by-Step Guide for a Chic Headwrap Style
Materials Needed:
A rectangular headwrap fabric (cotton, silk, or any fabric of your choice)
A mirror (optional but helpful for adjusting)
An afro pick (optional, for some volume if your hair is very short)
Scrunchie if your hair is long. Simply tie your hair in a loose high bun at the top of your head).
Step-by-Step Guide:
Position the Headwrap:
Start by placing the center of the headwrap at the back of your head, making sure both ends are even on either side.
Hold both ends of the headwrap at the front of your head, one in each hand.
First Knot:
Cross the ends over each other at the front of your head.
Tie a knot at the top of your forehead. Be sure not to tie it too tight—leave a little room so it feels comfortable. This is your first knot.
Second Knot:
After the first knot, take the two ends again and tie a second knot, just below the first one.
Leave a small gap between the first and second knot to give a layered, knotted effect.
Third Knot:
Repeat the same process for the third knot.
Tie it just below the second knot, maintaining a small gap between the second and third knots.
Tuck the Ends:
After the third knot, you will likely have excess fabric. Look for an open pocket near the crown of your head where you can tuck the remaining fabric.
Gently tuck the ends into this pocket, securing them neatly out of sight. Make sure there are no loose pieces sticking out.
Adjust and Final Touches:
Adjust the knots and fabric to ensure everything is secure and sits comfortably. You can pull the fabric slightly to adjust the fit or smooth out any wrinkles.
If you want a more voluminous look, you can pull out a bit of the fabric around the knots to create extra texture.
Tips for Perfecting Your Three Knot Turban:
Knot Positioning: Play around with the height of your knots for different looks. Higher knots create more of a "crown" effect, while lower knots offer a more relaxed style.
Add Accessories: Consider adding a brooch, flower, or decorative pin to the center of one of the knots for extra flair!
Add some height and volume: If you’re rocking a bald cut or your hair is styled in cornrows, add a small WRAP BASE.
That three knot turban is on—now go own the day!
This headwrap style is best for:
Baldies (add a small WRAP BASE for volume and more security)
Short afros
Short locs
Two strand twists with natural hair
Short braids and cornrows or plaits
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